
Monday 22 July 2013

Quatre-Quarts aux Cassis

This French pound cake was chosen by maman for dad's birthday cake, but handed over to me as I am in charge of the baking department. I love to bake and although I didn't get this completely right I think this is a really simple recipe that is a good one to have up your sleeve as the ingredients and method are really easy to remember. 

I had a slight issue with mixing the batter; following Holt's instructions of mixing the ingredients together gradually I ended up with a very stiff batter just before adding the melted butter, so that when I added the butter is was difficult to combine everything together. This meant a quick shout for mum and getting the electric whisk out, where a better looking batter was created!

The cake was sharp with lemon and raspberries and perfectly fluffy. Definitely a recipe to keep going back to, and it went down a treat with the birthday boy.


4 eggs (in their shells)
flour to the same weight as the eggs
caster sugar to the same weight as the eggs
butter to the same weight as the eggs
zest of lemon, finely grated or 1 teaspoon orange-flower water
225g (8oz) blackcurrants or raspberries (fruit must be dry)

Break the eggs into a bowl and gradually mix in the flour, sugar and butter, first melted in a small pan with the zest of lemon or orange-flower water. Mix well.
Butter a 23-25 cm (9-10 in) tin, ideally with fluted sides for the prettiest cake. Place a disc of buttered greaseproof paper in the base. Spoon half the mixture into the tin. Sprinkle the fruit on top and cover with the remainder of the mixture. Smooth level.
Bake the cake in the centre of a moderate oven (Mark 4, 180 degrees, 350 fahrenheit) for about 45 minutes until springy to the touch in the centre. Cool in the tin for 2 minutes, and turn out to cool on a wire rack.
The cake is also good served warm with crème fraîche.

French Country Kitchen by Geraldene Holt, published 1987. ISBN 0 - 14 - 04674 1- 6

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